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技术和质量是企业的生命Q公司本着“以诚取信Q以质取?rdquo;的经营理念,按ISO9001Q?008质量理体系Q严D量控Ӟ依靠雄厚U研力量“诚信务实、开拓创?rdquo;Q技术与质量处于国内行业领先C。ؓ用户建立起完善的技术咨询、品销售、技术培训和l修服务|络?/p> 1111查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[裕达新闻]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[国内]]>    查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[24时全天候服务]]> 24时全天候专业脓心服?br />    客户?4时内拨打服务热U?裕达公司在W一旉解决问题Q客户能n受更便捷全面的顾问式专家服务?br />  

   已徏立全球多个服务网l,能对客户需求作出快速反应?br />  


    作ؓ业内领先者,裕达一直把服务看作是ؓ客户创造持lh值的无Ş产品。在裕达服务体系中,为客户创造未来h|也正贯彻始终Q而且在不断创新?nbsp; 加大对客L技术支持,培训注重实用性,面对面,教会为止?/p>查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[人才理念]]> 没有不公q的待遇Q?/p>




只有不公q的学习?/p>查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Into YUDA]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Company profiles]]>

Jiangsu Liyang Yuda Machinery Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer in producing grain feed machinery and grazing machinery and we serve for clients with general engineering of factory,whole set project design,equipment-produced ,fixing & debugging,work & maintaining training,technological consultation and fitting & parts of feed machinery.

Technology and quality is the life of enterprise.Yuda company at the managing concept of“creditable with honest and win with quality”,strict quality control according to ISO9001.2000 Quality Management System.Yuda Company by relying on abundant technological research strength and sticking to the principle of being“creditable & practical,exploitatine & innovative”,manufactures high-quality products,stands top-class brand,so is deeply recognized by all the clients.

Welcome domestic and foreign clients and friends from all circles to visit and consultation.

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If you have questions,you can use 24 hours service hotline, YuDa company will be the first time to solve problems, so that customers can enjoy more convenient comprehensive consultant type expert service.

Global service network

Many globla service network have been established,so that we can make a rapid response to customer needs.

Technical support

As a leader of the industry,YuDa has been taking the service as an invisible product which creates continued value for the customer.In YuDa’s service system,creating the future value for the customer is also prosecuted to the end,and innovated continuously. Increasing technical support for the customer,and paying attention to practical training,face to face,until the customer has got it.

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<![CDATA[Talent Concept]]>

No unfair treatment,

Capacity only unfair;


No unfair ability

Just not fair to learn.

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<![CDATA[发展历程]]> 2003q?mdash;—溧阳市裕达机械有限公司在各界领导与朋友的兛_与支持下Q孕育发芽,一个专业的饲料机械生商诞生了……










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<![CDATA[裕达视点]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[政策法规]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[国际]]>
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滚动轴承在用过 E中按照轴承外圈工作条g的不同可以分为:外圈相对于蝲h向静止和外圈相对于蝲h向旋转。对于后者,轴承内圈相对于蝲h向静止,转动载荷作用在u?外圈。环模制_机转子的u承ؓ该{动Ş式,如图1所CZؓ环模制粒机的转子lgC意图,1转子?主u?轴承Q其中,主u静止Q{子在动力作用下旋转,?动蝲荷作用在轴承外圈。对于该传动形式的u扉K常其外圈与外壳采用紧配合即q盈配合?/span>
1 配合
轴承外圈与外壛_ 的配合ؓq盈配合Q但选用较小q盈量安装时Q外圈受载荷旋{Ӟ轴承滚动体与滚道产生擦Qu承和外壳都要受热膨胀Q但׃膨胀pL和散热速度的不同,?外壳膨胀E度大于轴承外圈Ӟq盈量会减小Qu承外圈和外壳孔间会生沿圆周方向有害的相Ҏ动,q种现象UCؓ蠕变现象Q一旦发生蠕变,在配合面上就会发 生明昄损和u承外圈或外壳损伤。因此,轴承外圈与外壛_的配合必Lx过盈量Ymin?/span>
6)        轴承外圈与外壛_盈装配,因此Q在配合面处产生装配应力Q外圈发生弹性变形外圈内滚道向内收羃Q从而引起径向游隙减;
7)        工作负蝲作用下,转动载荷作用在u承外圈,径向力外圈产生Ҏ接触变形而收~,从而引起径向工作游隙减;
8)        轴承工作时因温度升高对径向工作游隙的影响Q温度升高得u承内圈发生膨胀Q得径向工作游隙减;轴承外圈和外壳都要受热膨胀Q但׃材质的不同得膨胀pL不同Q以及散热速度影响二者膨胀E度Q外圈膨胀与外壳Q径向工作游隙减,反之Q径向工作游隙增大;
9)        轴承在运行时Q润滑脂会在滚动体与内、外圈Ş成弹性流体动压a膜承担负载,油膜厚度的存在会使径向游隙减,动压油膜厚度跟润滑脂的粘度有兟?/span>
原因分析Q?׃初始轴承外圈与外壛_盈配合,内圈与u渡配合,轴承在工作负载作用下Q径向力使外圈生弹性接触变形而收~,从而引起径向工作游隙减;内圈 在径向力作用下生收~变形,径向工作渔R增大Q但׃最初ؓq度配合Q变形很,径向工作渔R增加量很,此时径向工作渔R于轴承正常q{所需的最?渔RQ因此,出现轴承温升q高现象。增大u承内圈与轴径配合间隙后,内圈在径向力作用下生收~变形,径向工作渔R增大Q此时径向工作游隙满u承正常运 转所需的最游隙,当u承经q一D|间的q行合Q轴承内、外圈u的温度相对稳定,径向工作渔R也随之稳定,最lu承达到稳定运行。因此,选取合适的?承内圈与轴径配合间隙大小对环模制_机转子轴承的正常运是十分必要的?/span>

国民l济的增长,人民生活水^的提高,市场对各U饲料的需求不断上升,饲料?寚w_机主要易损?mdash;—环模的需求也不断增长Q其质量的好坏直接媄响饲料生产者的生成本和饲料颗_品质。据不完全统计,环模损耗费占整个生产R间的l修 费的30%以上Q饲料颗_品质的好坏更是寚w料的销售生极大的影响。可见,如何对环模进行正选用、合理用和有效的维护对饲料生者来说是极关重要 的?br /> 环模是一U多孔性环形易损gQ壁薄,模孔密布Q装配尺寸精度高。工作时Q饲料在旋{的环模及压辊的挤压下Q从内壁通过模孔向外成条状挤出,再由切刀切成所需长度的颗_。下面对环模选用、用及l护作些析Q以供大家参考?/span>


环模一般由钢或合金结构钢Q或者不锈钢l锻造,机加工、钻模孔及热处理{工 序制做而成。目前,国内市场行的环模有高有低,其主要原因是在选材、工序选用和控制等斚w的不同造成的。国内一些小厂生产的环模主要q钢或合金l构?l锻造,麻花钻钻削模孔,再经普通热处理加工而成。这L环模在生产过E中通常出现q样或那L问题Q如新模装机需l长旉的洗模工序,能耗高Q量低Q?颗粒品质差及爆模{现象。另外还有一个更Z重的问题是使用寿命低,不耐磨Q据一调查显C,利用q些环模生的饲料中铁含量较高,从而极大媄响了饲料 的配方,q一l果主要是由环模的耐磨性差所造成的?br /> 市场l济的不断发展,中国世Nl织的加入,只有价廉物美的饲料才h市场竞争力。对于饲料生产者来_降低生成本和提高饲料颗_品质是q切需要的Q而这 些品质的高低很大E度上由环模的品质进行根本保证。根据环模的工作状况Q饲料生产者应选用那些选材合理、设备先q及工艺合理的生产厂生的环模。应选用?锈钢制环模,环模选用不锈钢锻坯,是环模用寿命高的本质保证;应选用l枪d工的模孔Q利用多工位枪钻Ҏ孔进行加工,能保证模孔光滑,不会形成歪孔 Q即模孔中心U与环模圆周中心U不同uQ,从而达到环模出料快Q颗_品质好Q颗_表面光滑,颗粒均匀Q饲料粉化率等Q等特点Q应选用l真I热处理的环 模,对环模进行真I热处理是对前几工序加工品质的进一步保证,它保证了环模材料的高耐磨性、高强度Q以及对模孔的光滑度q行了有效的保护Q避免了模孔的氧 化)?br /> lg所qͼ合理选用优质的环模是饲料生者降低生产成本、提高颗_品质的关键?/span>


首先Q在选用优质环模的前提下Q应Ҏ生饲料品种、配方及产量选用合适的?孔Ş式、开孔率及压~比Q压~比=模孔的有效长?模孔直径Q。一般来_直Ş孔和阶梯形孔适于加工配合饲料Q外锥Ş孔适合加工pp等高纤l的饲料Q内 锥Ş孔宜加工草粉料类比重ȝ饲料。在保证环模强度的前提下Q尽量提高环模的开孔率Q对于有些品U的饲料Q在保证合理压羃比的条g下,环模q于壁薄Q以?环模强度不够Q生产中会出现爆模现象,此时应当在保证模孔有效长度的前提下,增加环模的厚度和增开减压孔。通常来说Q含L高的配合饲料宜?-12.5 之间的压~比Q热敏感饲料及尿素饲料宜选用5-8之间的压~比Q含天然蛋白质高的浓~饲料适于选用5-11之间的压~比Q奶牛配合饲料适宜选用7~15?间的压羃比。另外还可以在考虑饲料基本配方后,依据生者自p求的饲料品质调整具体的压~比Q比如选用E低的压~比对于增加产量、降低能耗、减ȝ模的 损{有利,但是q样一来将会降低饲料的品质Q如颗粒不够l实Q外观松散长短不一Q饲料的_化率高Q反之,则对颗粒品质有利Q颗_外观光滑而有光泽Q粉?率小Q,但会增加产品的生产成本?br /> 其次Q环模与压辊之间工作间隙合理与否对环模的有效使用h重要影响。一般来_环模与压辊之间的间隙?.1-0.3之间Q以实践l验来说Q用手扳动环 模旋转的同时Q压辊达C转非转的状态ؓ佟뀂那么,如何调整环模与压辊之间的间隙呢?通过我们的实늻验得知,当新模装机后Q首先,村֊压辊调节螺栓压 辊调整到压辊外圆面紧靠环模内圆面的状态;其次Q依ơ调整压辊偏心u使各压辊与环模之间间隙适当Q预紧调节螺栓,扛_环模Q逐步调节间隙Q压辊辑ֈD{ 非{的工作状态,最后紧节螺栓。当新模装机Ӟ通常要求环模与压辊之间间隙比您所需要的E大Q这有利于新环模与旧辊之间的q稳q渡Q等新模与旧辊完?一定的合期以后,可以间隙调整到您所需要的间隙。在使用中,都是保环模而牺牲压辊,因ؓ环模的h格是压辊h的十几倍甚臛_十倍,所以在使用中,在?用合理间隙的情况下,压辊的硬度不能太高,也就是说Q压辊的耐磨性不能比环模的耐磨性高?br /> 环模在生产过E中Q对所使用的物料要求进行必要清理,避免物料h大块砂石、砂_、铁块、螺栓及铁屑{硬颗粒。因些夹杂加速了环模的磨损,而且大量的、大夹杂将造成环模多次受力Q环模产生疲劳Q当某次受力过环模的强度极限时Q环模将出现爆模现象?br /> 最后,操作者在新装或更换环模时Q对于通过锥面装配的环模来_新装模时Q要求避免造成锥面的碰伤及刮伤Qƈ对其锥面及其配合传动轮缘锥面q行必要清理Q?涂a装配。更换环模时Q拆卸,不碰伤及刮伤锥面Q涂油保护。对于经帔R更换环模的颗_机来说Q要求定期对传动轮缘q行查,防止其过度磨损而导致模具定?销的断裂,因ؓq度的磨损将会媄响环模与轮缘之间的配合,配合不紧Q当环模工作时将Ҏ具定心销产生剪切力而导致断裂,当生这U情况后Q千万不要误认ؓ 是销的强度不够而换成高强度的销Q最l只能导致环模损坏和安全销l常性的断裂。因此,对环模的配合锥面及配合的传动轮缘的锥面进行保护和定期的检查是相当 必要的。对于抱式装配的环模来_对其装配面及光合的元g的保护与查也是相当必要的。当压辊使用一D|间后Q会出现损现象Q媄响了与环模的配合_?度,从而媄响了环模的生产量,应对其进行必要的修理或更换新的环模?/span>


俗话_刀不误砍柴工。对环模q行合理的维护保L环模l济、有效用的一部分?br /> 在生产过E中Q操作者经常发玎ͼ环模在用过E中Q通常会出现堵塞、磨损、封口及内翻{现象,q时Q如果不对其q行必要l护Q将造成产量降低Q能耗增加,甚至不出料等现象。此Ӟ对环模进

行基本维护的Ҏ是,先将环模工作内圆面进行磨qI然后q行倒角?br /> 当更换环模时Q要求趁热模含油物料充填模孔,以便下次生时环模辑ֈ最佳状态?br /> lg所qͼ只有对环模进行正选用、合理用和有效的维护,才能降低成本Q提高效率,创造颗_品质,增强产品市场竞争力,q接挑战Qؓ企业创造更多的l济效益?br />  



一 . 产量q低Q甚至不出粒Q?/span>


1 . qx初次使用模孔光洁度差Q? . 物料含水率过高或q低Q? . 压辊与^模间隙过大;4 . 压辊或^模磨扣严重;5 . 三角带打滑或老化?/p>


1 . 用含Ҏ研磨润滑Q工作一D|间量即提高; 2 . 调节物料含水率;3 . 调整压紧螺栓Q? . 张紧或更换三角带

二?nbsp; 颗粒中含_过?br />  故障原因

1 . 含水率低Q? . qxq度损、厚度过?/p>


1 . 提高含水率;2 . 更换亲^模?/p>

三?nbsp; 颗粒表现_糙



1 . 含水率高Q? . qx初次使用?/p>


1 . 降低含水率;2 . 用含Ҏ反复研磨?/p>



1 . 落入质杂物Q? . 轴承损坏Q? . 雉件松动?/p>


1 . 停机清除异物Q? . 更换轴承Q? . 紧固雉件?/p>



1 . 负荷q大Q甚至保险丝熔断Q;2 . 有异物进入腔内?/p>

1 . 适当加大压辊与^模间隙更换保险丝Q? . 停机清除异物?/p>
查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[招贤U_]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Development Course]]> Liyang Yuda Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of grain feed machinery and grazing machinery. We supply various services, including project design, equipment production, fixing & debugging, work & maintaining training and technological consultation. 

Technology and quality are the life of our enterprise. We adhere to the concept of "creditable with honesty and win with quality", and strictly control quality according to ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System. Relying on abundant technological research strength and sticking to the principle of "creditable & practical, exploitative & innovative", we manufacture high-quality products and our products are deeply recognized by all clients. 

We welcome domestic and foreign clients and friends from all over the world to visit us for consultation.查看原文 ]]>
<![CDATA[News]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Pre-cleaner]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Crusher and mixer]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Mixer]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Cooler]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Grader]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Packing scale]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Fat Increase Equip]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[General Equipment]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Stabilizer]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Yuda small set]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Feedback]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Seek out able men and receive them]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[企业荣誉]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[行业资讯]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[产品中心]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Buiness Glory]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Industry Information]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Project Center]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Granulation cooling equipment]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Project examples]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Service Process]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[服务支持]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Crushing and screening equipment]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Example Section]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Service support]]> 查看原文 ]]> <![CDATA[Technical Support]]> Analysis to principal axis bearing of ring mode pellet machine


According to the difference in the working condition of bearing outer ring, antifriction bearings can be divided into the following categories: outer ring is stationary, comparing with load direction and outer ring spins, comparing with load direction. For the latter, inner ring of the bearing is stationary, comparing to the load direction, and rotating load acts on outer ring. Bearing of the ring mode pellet machine’s rotor is revolving form. Picture 1 is the sketch map of rotor unit of the ring mode pellet machine. 1. rotor/ 2. principal axis/ 3. bearing. The principal axis is stationary and the rotor is revolving under the driving force. Rotating load acts on the outer ring of the bearing. This transmission form of bearing usually applies interference fit with hull.

If the rotor bearing has the symptom of high temperature, noises, bearing attrition, short working life and so one, the cooperation between rotating bearing’s inner and outer ring and radial clearance work have a great influence on it. The following is the analysis to the  cooperation between rotating bearing’s inner and outer ring and radial clearance work.

1. Cooperation

1.1The cooperation between inner and outer ring of the bearing

The cooperation between inner ring and hull holes interference fit. But if you choose small magnitude of interference, when outer ring revolves, the rolling element rubs against the rollaway nest and the bearing and the hull expand after they are heated. Because of the difference in heating, when the hull expand larger than the outer ring of the bearing, magnitude of interference will become smaller. There will be harmful slipping between the bearing outer ring and hull bores, which is called creep. Once there is creep, there will be obscure attrition and damages on bearing outer ring and hull. Therefore, the cooperation between bearing outer ring and hull bores should meet the minimum of the magnitude of interference.

In addition, magnitude of interference cannot be too large for the reason that under the action of the working load, radial clearance of the bearings will be decreased and the bearing’s temperature will rise. Meanwhile, large magnitude of interference will trouble the process of installation and uninstall. Therefore, workers should choose appropriate magnitude of interference according to the load condition.

1.2 Cooperation between bearing inner ring and axis

The cooperation between bearing inner ring and axis is clearance fit. The magnitude of clearance fit depends on the load borne by the bearing, the cooperation between  bearing outer ring and hull, and the bearing clearance. At the same time, the cooperation between inner ring and axis will also influences the radial clearance work of the bearing.

2 radial clearance work

Clearance is an important parameter of rotating bearing cooperation, which directly influences the loads distribution, quake, noises, attrition, temperature rise, working life, machine operation accuracy and other technical skills. Basic load rating of bearing is changing with the clearance. The larger the clearance is, the less the rolling element that bears load. Then the carrying capacity of the bearing is lowered. The stress of the rotating contact surface is larger. The bearing operation accuracy decreases. The quake and noises increase. Working life is shortened. If the work clearance is too small, it can lead to temperature rise of the bearing, even make the bearing stuck when it’s revolving.

The factors that influence the radial clearance work of the bearing

6) Bearing outer ring and hull are interference installed. Therefore, there is stress in fitting surface. Outer ring gets out of shape and draws back inside so as to make the radial clearance work larger.

7) Under the action of working load, rotating load acts on bearing outer ring. The radial force make the outer ring contract there by make the radial clearance work smaller.

8) The temperature rise’s effect on radial clearance work. Rise of temperature make the inner ring expand and make the radial clearance work smaller. Outer ring and hull will expand when they are heated, but because of the difference in materials, the degree of expansion varies. The speed of heat dissipation influences the degree of expansion. As the expansion of outer ring gets smaller, the radial clearance work gets smaller. On the contrary, it gets larger.

9) When bearing is operating, lubricating grease will become flexible flowing oil film pressure between rolling element and inner/outer ring, which bears the load. Oil film pressure can make the radial clearance work smaller. Dynamic pressure oil slick’s thickness is related to the viscosity of the lubricating grease.

3. Practical application

A certain king of ring mode pellet machine, principal axis, d, inner diameter of hull, D, Its bearing is SKF spherical roller bearing. The standard clearance of bearing is 95-145μm. Principal axis, d, has a upper variation of tolerance of 0, and has a lower one of -25μm. Hull diameter of bore, D, has a upper variation of tolerance of -14μm and a lower one of -60μm.Bearing outer ring and hull diameter of bore are interference fit. When the equipment is used, bearing’s temperature may rise and its working life may be shortened. Adjust the allowance of rotor principal axis’s diameter to clearance fit. Then the situation can be improved, the temperature can remain normal, and the bearing can revolve normally.

Initial bearing outer ring and hull bore are interference fit, and inner ring and axis are transition fit. Under the action of working load, radial force makes outer ring contract so as to make radial direction clearance work smaller. Under the radial force, inner ring contract and radial direction clearance work becomes larger. Because at first it’s transition fit, the deformation is not obscure, and the radial direction clearance work is very small. At this time, radial direction clearance work is smaller than the minimum clearance when the bearing is working properly. Therefore, the bearing’s temperature is too high. After increasing the fit clearance of bearing inner ring and axis diameter, inner ring contracts because of the radial force and the radial clearance work increases. At this time, radial clearance work meets the minimum need of clearance. When the bearing has been through a span of operation break-in, bearing inner and outer ring will be relatively stable and so will be the clearance work. At last, the bearing can function stably. Thus, choosing right size of fit clearance is very important for the normal operation of ring mode pellet machine.

4. Conclusion

Selection of Antifriction bearing’s inner and outer and the radial clearance work are significant for the normal operation of ring mode pellet machine. All these factors above have mutual influence on each other. Therefore, when designing such similar structure, designers should decide appropriate size of the radial clearance according to the load bearing and  should consider the deformation of bearing inner and outer ring, under the action of interference fit installation and radial force. They should take into account of the influence of the temperature rise caused by the expansion of inner and outer ring and hull. They should choose appropriate fit between bearing outer ring and hull and fit between bearing inner ring and axis.

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